Does anyone recognize this place? I am assuming it is in Hong Kong and I can place it in the 1920s due to the movie posters. It was taken about 1925.
Hong Kong square 1920s.jpg
Primary tabs

Submitted by Chris HK
Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Thursday, January 1, 1920
- Hong Kong square 1920s.jpg shows Place American Board Mission - Congregational Church [????-????]
- Hong Kong square 1920s.jpg shows Place Garden Lot 40 [????-????]
I can see scouts in the group
I can see scouts in the group, but I don't think that helps with the location!
On the back wall above the centre steps there is a sign with chinese characters that looks like it ends with "Do", the character for "Road". I can't read the other characters, but wonder if they give any clues?
Regards, David
The writing on the wall
The poster in the front is for the film Number Please? by Harold Lloyd. It was screened in 1920.
The the left of Harold Lloyd is a large poster with Chinese words. When zoomed, it talks about a grand ball at a place called the "Japan Club" for 10th October, National Day for the Chinese Republic. Do we have any link or record to a Japan Club or Japan Association Building?
I have no idea where this field is.
Re: Many clues, but no help on identifying the place
Hi There,
Allow me to describe:
For now.
Thanks & Best Regards,
This photo is taken from the roof of the Chinese YMCA building looking south. The street in the foreground is Bridges Street. The sloping street in the background is Rosario Street. At the very top of the photograph the balustrade for U Lam Terrace can be seen. This balustrade still exists today but the retaining wall has been covered in concrete panels. The building on the left hand side of the photo is the American Board Mission Congregational Church. The playground/open space is now the site of the Island Christian Academy.
I wonder if it is possible to discover if the gathering of people was American mission or YMCA related? The children on the left seem to be wearing a uniform. Perhaps they are part of the mission school.
Thank-you so much for finding this location. While I'm not sure if the event was related to the YMCA, I have a related picture of a public swimming pool which may have been part of the YMCA. I will try to post it if I haven't already.
I found this on-line: [From: p. 8]
"Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong, Bridges Street Centre
Local architecture was greatly enriched when Western and Chinese influences came together during the colonial era. The Bridges Street Centre of the Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong is a case in point. Completed in 1918, the centre is a six-storey blend of Chicago School architecture and Chinese roofing techniques. Founded in 1901, Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong was one of the city’s first youth centres for teenagers. The centre on Bridges Street is the first onein Hong Kong that has an indoor playground, swimming pool, a hall, a fitness centre, restaurants and a hostel. In the early 20th century, it was a major social centre for the Chinese community." p. 8
Re: playground
Hi There,
The back was Yue Lam Terrace alright. Street View provided the confirmation.. The street up there lined with spectators would be Rozario Street. The present day location of the playground would be the 'Island Christian Academy', togather with 'The Church of Christ in China - China Congregation'.
Well done to identify the
Well done to identify the location for this one. A map shows this open patch of land was identified as "Garden Lot 40".