Princes Building 1960
Primary tabs

Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Friday, January 1, 1960
- Princes Building 1960 shows Place Prince's Building (1st generation) [1904-1962]
- Princes Building 1960 shows Place Statue of Sir Thomas Jackson (1st location) [1906-????]
- Princes Building 1960 shows Place Statue Square, Central [????- ]
- Princes Building 1960 shows Place Bank of Canton [1924-c.1966]
- Princes Building 1960 shows Place Chartered Bank / Standard Chartered Bank building [1959-1986]
- Princes Building 1960 shows Place Fu House [1952-1989]
Fu House
Next to the doom top of the Bank of Canton Building, caught a glimpse of the top floor of Fu House.