Peak skyline | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Peak skyline

Peak skyline

This clip from one of my roll-film slides shows many of the properties raised by "Klaus" in various posts.

If someone has the expertise to create a layer on this image and add the names of the properties, I can supply a copy of the image via David

Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Saturday, June 15, 1996


That's a very good photo!

Certainly we have Altadena House (reddish-brown colour). For the house below Compradore posted "The white facade house that resembles a block of lowrise flats below Richmond House is 22 Barker Road.  Though it was built on the site of the former Martinhoe, it never adopted that name.  Despite its unique design, I believe it was always a house and not divided flats."

I suggest that you add the tag Barker Road for a better search.

Added after David's post: Altadena is "u", 22 Barker Road house is "1". And of course, "w" is second generation Richmond House.

Thanks IDJ. I've added letters & numbers to help if anyone would like to identify them.

Regards, David

Klaus has kindly identified U, 1, W.  As for the rest of the properties on Barker Road:

X - Falconridge, 35 Barker Road (Sold at auction a few years ago, being demolished to make way for houses)

Y - 37 Barker Road

Z - Barker Villa

Not on Barker Road: 2 - Century Tower 1 ; 3 - Branksome (Hongkong Land rental apartment built in the 1970s).

Here are the other property names.  Please feel free to correct any mistakes because I am not 100% sure about some of these.

On Severn Road: v - Severn Villa

Plantation Road:

a through g - HSBC's Cloudlands compound before its latest redevelopment in 1998.  Each building had its own name.  

o - Undercliff, bank staff quarters

h - Plantation Height Blk 3, 31 Plantation Road

i - Mountain View, No. 27

j - Charles Mansion, No. 25

k - Mountain View, No. 23

l - Mountain View, No. 21

m - Villa de Victoria, No. 19

n - Montebello, No. 15-17 (recently demolished, I think)

p - possibly the site of Belvedere, but the new townhouses were already up at the time according to another of IDJ's photos taken on same day

q - current site of 73-77 Plantation Road, it looks like it was one house in the picture.  Does anyone know the previous address?

r - previous generation house at 56 Plantation Road

s & t - 60 & 62 Plantation Road

This is a detail from

I'm quite sure to see Cragside, Altadena, and below Knightsbridge Court. Right hand below of Altadena should be 22 Barker Road (where Martinhoe was). I can't see Richmond House (31 Barker Road), or does anyone?

I can vaguely make out an orange light where Richmond House would be, but it could be a driveway lamp.  Perhaps the taipan of Union Insurance was not home when the night picture was taken