On the quay - looking East along what is now almost certainly Wu Nan Street.
Aberdeen the quay Wu Nan Street
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Submitted by Andrew Suddaby
Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Wednesday, January 1, 1958
- Aberdeen the quay Wu Nan Street shows Place Aberdeen Harbour [????- ]
- Aberdeen the quay Wu Nan Street shows Place Wu Nan Street [????- ]
Thank David.
Thank David.
In relation to the discussion about the exact location of the photographs that I took in 1958 and, to some extent, those taken in 1981, this image from 1958 might shed some light on things. I believe that all my1958 photrographs are very likely to have been taken quite close to this one. Aberdeen was still a fairly small place and we are unlikely to have wandered far from where we saw 'the action' to be. The wooded hill on the left might still be there and I suggest that the barren hill on the distant right is possibly Ap Lei Chau. David's comment/1958 map on another of my images makesme fairly sure that we were standing in the area where the yellow tinted buildings are to the West of the Aberdeen Island Road on that map and it was on the latter road where I took the photographs of my pal handing out the sweets and of the pigs being butchered in 1981 - and NOT the old Main Street which looks to be far too narrow on Google Earth and was, even in 1958, too far away from the waterfront. A worry is that I have no recollection of seeing the Aberdeen docks on any occasion but, not then being interested in that aspect of Hong Kong, we probably ignored them in favour of photographing more sampans and junks! A shame! Any suggestions, anyone? Andrew
Location of Photographer
The bend in the road can be seen in the centre of the photo below. Ap Lei Chau is on the right.I guess the photographer may have been standing on the vertical strip of the waterfront prior to the bend.
1950s Aberdeen
Thanks Moddsey. Your
Thanks Moddsey. Your splendid aerial photograph completely satisfies me that several of us have been correctly 'hovering' in that area. It fits well with my memory and also with the map that David uploaded. The Tai Pak floating restaurant is clearly visible just to the right of centre and is in the right direction from where the sampan ladies left the quay. My 1958 images, including Tony handing out sweets, and of the pig butchers in 1981 would have ben taken on the wide horizontal road immediately in front of the three or so large, darkish blocks. It's clear from this image why I didn't see the docks - they were round the corner from that quay and, as I have said elswhere, junks and sampans were much more interesting at that time! I think that I'll now be able to change the wording relatng to three photographs in each of the 1958 and 1981 folders. As a matter of interest am I correct in thinking that the marina is now in the next bay round that first wooded headland? I hope so. Well done everyone! Andrew