C.C. Fisheries Joint Association Public School | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

C.C. Fisheries Joint Association Public School

C.C. Fisheries Joint Association Public School
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Saturday, September 26, 2015


Hello folks,

I went to study at this school while this building was still under construction. The old school building was an assembly of neighbourhood houses which were very bad or ill-fit for learning. Lighting was the worst thing there. Yet the teachers were quite qualified and the school principal at my time was from the CLCY village, so we were fellow villagers .

Few months later we were all excited to be able to enjoy moving into the brand-new  building. So proud and lots of nice memories there still lingering my mind. 

On the second level , during recess, we used to look at the airliners flying northeastward to the Stonecutter Island and try to identify which one would leave the most dirtiest smoke line behind.

The CC Police Station was only a stone's throw away. So once a student walked up there to report a physical abuse by a teacher from my school. But nothing really happened.

Someone picked up a head stone of size like a mango and he drew the face of our respectful teacher Mr. Young in revenge. The student had a problem with him. But Mr. Young never feel being offended. He smiled at the stone instead. Mr. Young lost battle with cancer and passed way less than year later. That student cried a lot over his action.

I learnt many stories first-handed about the seaonal fishing expeditions to the South China Sea from the fisherman community,  Some of them were our classmates.

I was not 100% happy there, but growing pains were good for us sometimes if higher wisdom appeared to us all. On the visit in the summer of 2003 to the school my heart suddenly became a little school kid, still trying to look at the teachers Office. That's really funny!!



My Grandfather was the First Principal of this School... 

Kong Kwan Cheung

He retired in 1973, and moved to USA-America to take of me when I was Born in 1974

Hello Sd

It is a real surprise to hear from you!!  Greetings to you!! 

For long time, I haven't heard of all your uncles or aunties. My dad, moved to Sydney in 1977, still wrote to your grand-pa (in US ) in the 80s. He showed us a family photo of Mr & Mrs K K  Cheung including FB.couple. How is FB ?   Now, so happy to reconnect and share more stories of CC island with you!! 

FB is about my age too, he's very gifted ! 

Your grand-father family was living in the CLCY village yards away from my home. His next door family, the Yips, is also a family with many kids. Both families are good friends with us! 

I still have some very old US addresses that was from F.B. 30 some yrs ago. BTW you may like to hear more stories about CC !!

Warm Regards



I am the second son of  Franklin Fan-Keung Cheung, KK Cheung's second oldest son, we're living in NYC Now. 

Uncle FB IS doing good, very healhy, close to retirement, bought a retirement house in California.

My Uncle Fan-Shek is Living in Tsuen-Wan at Allway Gardens

...My Grandfather Passed away on July 11, 1993 

I will try to get you some updated addresses to contact our family at large.. 

email me here sdcheung@gmail.com, and I will get them to you. 



After 5 years, my posting really helps reconnecting  the Cheung family.
Thank you Gwulo!
Good to have you,