American Baptist Chapel, looking up Shing Wong St toward Hollywood Rd, Gough street on left | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

American Baptist Chapel, looking up Shing Wong St toward Hollywood Rd, Gough street on left

American Baptist Chapel, looking up Shing Wong St toward Hollywood Rd, Gough street on left
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Friday, January 1, 1943



You've entered "Jan 1 1943", which I guess was meant to be 1843. It should be a year or two later, as the gallery's entry you link to says the drawings were from "1844-45".

The gallery also lists the titles on the drawings. The order of the titles doesn't seem to match the order of the drawings shown, but I think the title for this one is:

2. Chinese Street in Victoria, Hong Kong, with the 'Tae Ping Shan' American Baptist Mission Chapel, Erected 1844;

Regards, David