On a clear day from the Bush Fire Lookout a bit off from Tai Mo Shan Road, looking towards two of the former Japanese Anti-Air Gun emplacement sites.
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Submitted by tngan
Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Sunday, March 27, 2016
- DSCF2344a.JPG shows Place WWII Tai Mo Shan Japanese AA Gun Sites (1 of 3) [????- ]
Much easier to see without
Much easier to see without the fog we had on our visit!
The two sites look to be about half way down the photo, about 1/3 and 2/3 of the way across, is that right?
Regards, David
Re: Tai Mo Shan Former Japanese Anti-Air Gun Emplacement
Hi David,
Yes, they are a bit above the middle of the photo. If you go full screen and zome in the entrances are clearly visible. I have only uploaded a small file. If you like I can send you the original, but that would be a bit over 5 Mb.
On a clear day like this you should be able to spot them with your eyes. Not in detail, but you would know they are artificial.
I followed your instructions
I followed your instructions and I can see the entrances, so this size photo is great, thanks.