2002 - Hong Kong Zoological And Botanical Gardens | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

2002 - Hong Kong Zoological And Botanical Gardens

2002 - Hong Kong Zoological And Botanical Gardens
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Sunday, November 10, 2002


Greetings. The fountain must have gone through many changes over time, but thanks to the preservation effort, the two raised observation platforms overlooking the fountain are still there.  Two years ago, I retraced the steps made by my parents when they were dating, and my feeling while standing up there was one of joy and closure.  It was a very popular place, my classmates gave me a farewell tour before I left for Canada.

The garden at that time was called ​Bing Tau​ Fa Yuen (Soldier Head), I learned assigned to the use by the British army head. Regards, Peter