Wah Yan College, 27th September 1955 | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Wah Yan College, 27th September 1955

Wah Yan College, 27th September 1955
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Tuesday, September 27, 1955


Lawrence Tsui writes: The photos should be taken on the occasion of the consecration of the Wah Yan College-HK premises by Catholic Bishop Laurence Bianchi PIME. 

The Jesuit in the far right was Fr Carrol SJ, Principal. Bishop Bianchi PIME. Paul Tsui as an Old Boy at the rear. Mr & Mrs Yeung Nai-yiu, President of the Alumni Association. The Directpr of Education and Mrs Crozier presumably at the left. The Government had given two large pieces of land to the Jesuits for the two Wah Yan - HK and Kowloon respectively. WYHK took Mt Parish which was formerly part of the Naval Hospital. The Governor had laid the foundation stone when it was being built.