Our flats. Our verandah second one down in front - "Missie upstairs" (the noisy one) waving on their back verandah. | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Our flats. Our verandah second one down in front - "Missie upstairs" (the noisy one) waving on their back verandah.

Our flats. Our verandah second one down in front - "Missie upstairs" (the noisy one) waving on their back verandah.
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Tuesday, January 1, 1957
  • Our flats. Our verandah second one down in front - "Missie upstairs" (the noisy one) waving on their back verandah. shows Place University Drive, No. 2 [????- ]


Number 3 is to the right in this photograph. The corner of Number 2 can be seen in the far left (behind the house on University Path).

Please could you let me know which is the current building on the site of the old 3 University Drive, and I'll make a page for it. I'm guessing it was somewhere near the current James Hsioung Lee Science building?

I have tried to plot the position from photographs of and from 3 University Drive, which show other buildings like the library and Number 2, onto a  Google Earth satellite view. The best I can do is the south-western corner (bottom left) of the James Hsioung Lee Science building for about the middle of 3 University Drive. The whole site has been changed so much that it is very difficult on the ground to get an impression of what was there before.

Thanks for your help. I've made a page for number 3 at https://gwulo.com/node/37920

We can fine tune the location when more information becomes available.