HK cricket club | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

HK cricket club

HK cricket club

I'm sure you must have lots of photos like this of the old HKCC field in the heart of Central.

I remember watching cricket there!    Imagine!



Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Friday, January 1, 1965


Thanks for the photo - please do you know when it was taken?

You're right that we have several other photos of the old cricket pitch (see, but Hong Kong changes so quickly, different photos often have something new to see.

In your photo, the old HK Club building and its Annexe are both still standing, but the bridge that used to connect them has been demolished. I wonder when that went?

1910s Hong Kong Club Annex
1910s Hong Kong Club Annex, by moddsey

Sorry, I don't know--no date on photo.

Best estimate is early 1950s.


As the City Hall (2nd Generation) built in 1962 is in view and the Ocean Terminal built in 1966 does not appear to be in place, I guess the photo was taken between this period. Probably taken from the Hilton that was built in 1963.

Thanks Moddsey, I'll add a 1965 date.