Washington Bar Wanchai HK (Party Ticket) HMAS Derwent 1976.jpg | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Washington Bar Wanchai HK (Party Ticket) HMAS Derwent 1976.jpg

Washington Bar Wanchai HK (Party Ticket) HMAS Derwent 1976.jpg

This is a group of Navy guys off of HMAS Derwent in Hong Kong in 1976.  We had all put in $25 Hong Kong and purchased a "Party Ticket" at the Washington Bar in Wanchai.  Party Tickets allowed you to drink certain drinks for a set period of time.  It was a receipe for getting drunk very quickly. I am in the back left corner with a Bar Girl, a different one from the San Francisco Bar.  If you had multiple girlfriends from different bars, the bar girls called you a Butterfly because you flitted from one girl to another.

Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Sunday, June 13, 1976