25 Picturesque HK Temple of Five Hundred Genii Canton | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

25 Picturesque HK Temple of Five Hundred Genii Canton

25 Picturesque HK Temple of Five Hundred Genii Canton
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Sunday, January 1, 1899


Likely not a temple in Hong Kong. It looks exactly as the one in Canton, China. The buddha statues were destroyed during the cultural revolution and remade in 1994. 


Some picures in the following:


1870 hualin temple.png
1870 hualin temple.png, by simtang


1907 hualin temple.png
1907 hualin temple.png, by simtang


during last years of qing dynasty hualin temple.png
during last years of qing dynasty hualin temple.png, by simtang


1994 hualin temple.png
1994 hualin temple.png, by simtang


The book was titled "Picturesque Hong Kong" and included scenes of Macao and Canton. The book can be viewed here