Everything tagged "Picturesque Hong Kong" | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Everything tagged "Picturesque Hong Kong"

Old Hong Kong Picture/Guide Books

Various HK guide/picture books that I have scanned & uploaded:

Through Hong Kong with a Camera

Picturesque Hong Kong 1899

1953 Guide Book

Hilly Hong Kong


Picturesque Hong Kong 1899

A book of coloured photographs by W Brewer & Co, dated late 1898 or early 1899, from the construction of the Queens Building and the buildings on Connaught Street near the Hong Kong Club. I have included the pictures of Macao and Canton for completeness. The titles of the photographs are how they were captioned in the book. Click on the picture to zoom in. 

More books can be found here

14 Picturesque HK The Peak Tramway Hong Kong

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

15 Picturesque HK Mount Austin Barracks-The Peak Hong Kong

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

16 Picturesque HK The Peak Hong Kong

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

17 Picturesque HK Chinese at Chow

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

01 Picturesque HK Front Cover

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

18 Picturesque HK A Jinrikisha Hong Kong

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

02 Picturesque HK Title Page

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

19 Picturesque HK Opium Smoking

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 


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