Mount Gough Hong Kong houses c 1972.JPG | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Mount Gough Hong Kong houses c 1972.JPG

Mount Gough Hong Kong houses c 1972.JPG
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Saturday, January 1, 1972


Hi Graham,

I'm enjoying your photos. Thanks for posting. Please excuse me for commenting on such a trifling matter, but I can't see Brockhurst in this pic (I think it's out of sight to the right of the pagoda in the top right corner), whilst the building seen in part immediately below the pagoda is Kirkendoa.

 Am glad you are enjoying the photos, gw. Thanks for the comment re Brockhurst, 

This particular photo was taken with telephoto and zoomed in...

Brockhurst is visible in this less zoomed shot I took from the same place looking up at the ridge line of Mt Gough all those years ago. ..

Brockhurst the highest building top centre of the photo in the link...