Yuen Long | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Yuen Long

Yuen Long

Any suggestions?  Tram tracks are just visible, so it might be on Johnston Road or Hennessy Road in Wan Chai. Phil thinks it might be Yuen Long but there were no trams there in 1958 so maybe the lines on the road are not tram tracks.

Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Wednesday, January 1, 1958


I think this is Yuen Long.

Hi Phil, From my once (maybe twice) off visit in 1958 that is certainly how I remember Yuen Long.  I'll change the title - but the 'tram tracks'? worry me. Andrew

here is a view with the same mountains in the background. I think he black lines on the road are just where the tarmac/asphalt was laid in sections.


Hi Phil,

I agree. Yuen Long it is!  Andrew

Hi there,

Same location today.  Some of the buildings still exist.