Hi Andrew. This photo is from my collection, I beleve these are R.A.F. Police dogs and their handlers, are you able to confirm this? Maybe there are photos in your extensive collection of the men. Would all the dog handlers have the rank of corporal? note even the dogs are in step! —Bryan.
Queens Birthday Parade 1957.-Police Dogs.—-R.A.F.?
Primary tabs

Submitted by Bryan Panter
Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Friday, April 12, 1957
- Queens Birthday Parade 1957.-Police Dogs.—-R.A.F.? shows Place RAF Little Sai Wan (Siu Sai Wan) [????-????]
- Queens Birthday Parade 1957.-Police Dogs.—-R.A.F.? shows Street Gascoigne Road [1904- ]
Re: Photo
Yes, this would be the RAF Police Dog Team/Unit.
The photo was taken at the junction of Gascoigne and Jordan Roads after passing the saluting dais on Gascoigne Road. The water tank in the left background in the above photo can be viewed here
1958 RAF Police Dog March-past - Queen's Birthday Parade, by Moddsey
Hi Bryan,
Hi Bryan,
Sorry I have only just come across this photograph, while viewing and admiring your gallery. Yes, all the R.A.F. dog handlers were corporals and one of them told me jsut a few years ago that they were 'up a gear' from the usual 'snowdrops' who manned gates and guardrooms because the dog handlers had a more extensive training in law. This is not Little Sai Wan, which was a small camp in the bottom of the bay surrounded by high hills, and civilians would not have been allowed anywhere near the camp. We never approached them as they were only friends with their own handlers! As Little Sai Wan was a very heavily protected place, I doubt whether the dog handlers would have been spared to take part. I don't recognise any of these guys and suspect that they were probably from R.A.F. Kai Tak. Andrew