Homestead Government Flats, Children's Fancy Dress Party circa 1937 | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Homestead Government Flats, Children's Fancy Dress Party circa 1937

Homestead Government Flats, Children's Fancy Dress Party circa 1937

Not sure exactly when this photo was taken but my father David Bottomley looks about 4 years old, so I think around 1937.  He is the little boy in the dark waistcoat second row from the front.   His sister Marjorie is the girl with the long plaits six children from the right, also in a dark waistcoat. Unfortunately I do not know who any of the other children are, though probably one of the babies is my father's brother John.  The Bottomleys lived in a ground floor flat here from 1937-1939 when they went on leave.

Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Friday, January 1, 1937