Plan of 535 ft. Passenger & Cargo Ship- Pacific Mail Service | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Plan of 535 ft. Passenger & Cargo Ship- Pacific Mail Service

Plan of 535 ft. Passenger & Cargo Ship- Pacific Mail Service

Plan of the new type of American Passenger & cargo steamship was designed for the Pacific run to Asia. The Pacific Mail Steamship Company ordered five of these vessels from New york shipyards which were launched between 1920 and 1921. The vessels were to operate between Seattle, Manila, Hong Kong and India. When they were launched they were  named after U.S. Presidents. Other similar vessels also went to the Pacific Steamship Company sailing to China, Japan and Vladivostok.

In 1925 the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, in financial difficulties was purchhsed by the (Robert ) Dollar Steamship Company known as the "Dollar Line" . Four ships : President Lincoln, President Pirce, President Taft and President  Wilson are of similar tonnage and are belived to be from the same class as as the 535ft length type launched 1920-1921 and allocated to Pacifiv Mail Steamship Company, later cenoning the Dollar Line.

Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Thursday, January 1, 1920