An interesting view of the changing appearance of TST. With the old Chungking Arcade knocked down, the Astor Hotel can be seen at centre right at Carnarvon Road/Cornwall Avenue. Up Nathan Road, the Mirador Mansion is being constructed. Towards the right, looks like the Far East Mansion is being built.
1959 Nathan Road
Primary tabs

Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Thursday, January 1, 1959
- 1959 Nathan Road shows Place The Peninsula Hotel [1927- ]
- 1959 Nathan Road shows Place Peninsula Court / Marco Polo Hotel [1957-1982]
- 1959 Nathan Road shows Place Mirador Mansion [1959- ]
- 1959 Nathan Road shows Place Chungking Mansions [1961- ]
- 1959 Nathan Road shows Place Astor Hotel, TST [1958- ]
- 1959 Nathan Road shows Place Far East Mansion [1959- ]