Old Hong Kong Photos and The Tales They Tell, Volume 4 | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

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Old Hong Kong Photos and The Tales They Tell, Volume 4

Gwulo book - Volume 4 - front cover

Price & how to buy

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The Gwulo book is available to buy online, or in local book stores:

  1. Buy online here at Gwulo.com: click the Buy this button above to order online and have the book mailed to you. Local and international orders welcome.

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    SPECIAL OFFER: International customers get FREE SHIPPING if you order two or more copies of the Gwulo books - Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, or any combination - for delivery to the same address. (Just click the Buy this button again if you want to order an extra copy.)

  2. Buy in a bookstore: Hong Kong customers can find Gwulo's books in branches of Art & Culture OutreachBookazineChung Hwa Book Co. (with branches at the airport)Commercial PressHK Maritime Museum Gift Shop / Joint PublishingKelly & WalshSt John's Cathedral Bookstore / Sycamore Bookshop / TheBookshop / Vibe Book and Music Shop

  3. Buy online at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk (affiliate links*).


More information

The book is a 112-page paperback, with a page size of 152 x 229 mm / 6 x 9 inches.

ISBN: 9789887827634

To take a closer look, please click here to download a PDF sample of photos and stories from the book.


From the back cover:

Not your typical photo book!

Revisit old Hong Kong through this book’s collection of rare photos, many of them over 100 years old. Then join David to explore the photos’ details, and so discover their hidden stories: the women who toiled up the Peak’s slopes each day, carrying heavy loads of bricks and coal on their shoulders, buried treasure still waiting to be found, Kowloon’s vanishing hills, and many more.

David runs the award-winning local history website Gwulo, home to over 25,000 photos of old Hong Kong.



After three great strolls down memory lane, this fourth volume provides not only a superb telescope into yesteryear, but through David’s commentary, allows the images to jump off the page and really come to life. A must read for anyone who is interested in the storied history of Hong Kong and the people that helped shape it.

Helen Tinsley,
 Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong



Ever wondered why a photographer took a picture of some building or landscape when it looks so dull? Then you need David Bellis to weave his magic and pull out the photo’s stories of lost times, long-gone people and half-forgotten events. Join David on a fascinating journey that links Hong Kong’s past with its present.

Patricia O'Sullivan, 
Author of Women, Crime and the Courts: Hong Kong 1841-1941


Gwulo book - Volume 4 - back cover


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