Markers on roadsides [????- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Markers on roadsides [????- ]

Tiles © Esri

Hi there,

I came across this intersection of Tung Sing Road and Wu Pak Street in Aberdeen the other day, while I had been looking for those A.I.L. marker stones in the area.  When I happen to be crossing one side of the road I saw an engraving of C /|\ D on a piece of stone by the road side.

I walked around the four sides and found they appeared in pairs on three sides of the cross road.  Sound like the arrows are pointing to some 'Cable Duct' somewhere in the middle of the road.

Does anybody ever see anything somewhat similar around?

Best Regards,




I've been wondering what that means too. First I thought it might be a sign of something old, as the first few I saw were engraved in granite kerbstones. But I've since seen it marked on concrete kerbstones too, so it still seems to be used.

I'd guessed 'cable duct' too. Does anyone know for sure?


Catchick St, Kennedy Town

Hong Kong Electric Cable Duct


Having encountered some of these A.I.L. stones in Aberdeen, can someone tell me what A.I.L. stands for? Cheers

Aberdeen Inland Lot