1947 Photos | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

1947 Photos

 1947 Photos


 Another photo in the same series.


Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Wednesday, January 1, 1947


The building in the top left photo was the original Chinese Methodist Church in Wanchai at the junction of Hennessy and Johnston Roads.

1950s Chinese Methodist Church

1950s Chinese Methodist Church








The Peak Tram photo may have been taken on the Bowen Rd Bridge.

I have some gut feeling that for the Peak Tram photo, it may have been taken at the MacDonnell Road bridge. The following description may fit if that's the location: The building with balcony is possibly the main (old) building of the current St. Paul's Co-educational College (formerly St. Paul's Girl's College) at 33 MacDonnell Road, with its Tram Path side entrance shown on the photo. The large vacant land in the middle is possbly the site of the yet-to-be rebuilt Hong Kong Union Church (destroyed during occupation). The smaller vaccant lot on the other side of the street (Kennedy Rd?) is the site of the current Masonic Temple. The St. Joseph's College (former building) is possibly on top middle part of the photo.

I think you are correct in the location of the photographer - Macdonnell Road Bridge. Thanks,