La Hacienda - RBL 21 - (1st generation) [1880-????]
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Originally owned by Sir George Phillippo, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Hong Kong. He and Lady Phillippo used it as their summer home. He left the colonial service in 1888.
In 1890 it was used as a private hospital opened by Dr. James Cantlie. The second matron Sister Annie Thompson, was listed there in 1894, but she was fired, and was found to have taken hospital funds, and I presume Cantile closed the hospital. Dr. and Mrs. Cantile left Hong Kong in 1895.
In 1894 is was the home of Mr. Dodwell.
rbl 22?
I took a very pleasant walk down Peel Rise yesterday. The path you can see in the 1890 photo stretching down the hill from Hacienda still exists, though overgrown. It's not long after the 23 marker. I was surprised to spot a tall RBL granite marker stone buried among the rubble next to a stream:it has RBL 22 carved into it. It's close to the Hacienda. I can't find any mention of RBL 22 in the posts on Gwulo, maybe it demarcates a lot that was never used?
Incidentally I was wondering if this explained the 23 marker; rbl 23 was Peak Church, not far away but not sure if that works.
I took a photo of the rbl stone, I'll post it later
La Hacienda
La Hacienda
Here’s a note on La Hacienda summarised from one of my books:-
By 1937 part of La Hacienda had become a junior mess for Jardine Matheson and Co. The other part, previously occupied by a family (presumably, also Jardines) had been taken over by dependents – women and children - of Jardines staff recently evacuated from Shanghai.
On 1 September that year, a particularly vicious typhoon caused extensive damage to the junior mess side of the building where much of the roof collapsed. The other side was less seriously damaged but, as I understand it – “so ended the story of the first La Hacienda” – see ‘China in Turmoil’ by G H Gompertz, J M Dent and Sons, 1967.