Harbour from the Albany, showing mosque on Kowloon Peninsula
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- Harbour from the Albany, showing mosque on Kowloon Peninsula shows Place Signal Hill - Blackhead Point [1907- ]
- Harbour from the Albany, showing mosque on Kowloon Peninsula shows Place The Albany [1844-1935]
Re: Title
I think the Government caption is correct as the view is from the Albany above the Botanic Gardens.
Then where is the Mosque?
I've put a tentative tag on the Flickr site.
Not from the Albany?
Looking at maps or photos of the Albany, it had the botanical gardens between it and any buildings. But here the photographer looks to be a short distance away from the cluster of buildings on the right.
I can't recognise anything to give a better fix on the location though.
Re: Not from the Albany
Not exactly from the Albany Building as we know it but the area west of Government House near where the present day Albany Road meets up with Upper Albert Road. My guess is the stone pillars and gate is one of the entrances to the Botanic Gardens.
Not sure whether or not the building on the extreme right is Government House.
Re: Not from the Albany
Yes, maybe from round there, but I'm still struggling to match it up.
In front of the building that might be Government House is a flat area of land with a small pier. Maybe the cricket pitch? No trees around it yet though.
Re: Not from the Albany
I think the stepped wall on the left is the retaining wall that descends from the Albany (Building) and demarcates the western perimeter of the Botanic Gardens i.e. present day Albany Road.
Re; Harbour from the Albany
The building to the west of the Albany in the main photo I think appears in:
view of Kowloon Point
The transit joining the south tips of Kowloon and Blackhead Points and the transit across behind Blackhead Point to the low hills north of the Hung Hom peninsula's west shore plotted on the 1886 Hong Kong Harbour chart puts this certainly over to the west side of the Albany/Botanic Garden area.
Stephen D