Strawberry Hill - Phase 1 [1972- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Strawberry Hill - Phase 1 [1972- ]

Tiles © Esri
Date Place completed: 


The name "Strawberry Hill" was kept as the name for this redevelopment project.  "Hillside, Haytor and Creggan" are no more.

My family and I lived at Hillside until my father left Jardines in 1970, and my best friend Graeme lived at Strawberry Hill. Hillside was magnificent, with sweeping views down to Aberdeen and beyond, and a leafy little goat track (one of many all over the Peak back then) out the back to Plunkett's Road. We endured some grand typhoons there. On my regular trips back to HK I always have a sentimental pilgrimage "home" and though I knew Hillside (which was at 5 Bluff Path) had been pulled down in 1971 I was baffled as to why there was no longer even a trace of the old driveway down to Bluff Path. It's all Strawberry Hill now! Thanks for enlightening me.   

Has anyone been around the Strawberry Hill area?  Is there any redevelopment going on? 

I read that Jardine Matheson - which owns 11 houses in the development - applied in 2008 to redevelop 9 of the houses.  Presumably, the two houses they did not plan to redevelop were Houses No. 1 & 2, which are their taipan houses.