Meet for dinner on Thurs 10th March? | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Meet for dinner on Thurs 10th March?

If you'd like to meet some of the regular contributors to, why not join us for dinner? We're meeting in the evening at the Foreign Correspondent's Club in Central.

You are very welcome to join us. It's nothing formal, just a chance to put faces to names, and have a chat.

Please email me by Monday 7th to confirm, so we can book the table:

David's email address

Regards, David


It sound's interesting. I try to join this time.... BTW are they all "gweilo"?

It sound's interesting. I try to join this time....

Great, please let me know once you're sure.

BTW are they all "gweilo"?

I hadn't noticed ;-)

There's a good mix - all are welcome.

Regards, David

I'm not gwei-LO, and I'll be there !

Shush. No can tell. You have to show up in person to find out.