Cherry Hill Lodge, Homantin Hill Road [????-1972] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Cherry Hill Lodge, Homantin Hill Road [????-1972]

Tiles © Esri
Current condition: 
Demolished / No longer exists
Date Place demolished: 

Message from anonymous:

Any Pictures of Cherry Hill Lodge Homantin Hill Road '55 -'58

Hi, Would anyone have pics of Cherry Hill Lodge, Homantin Hill Road, Kowloon, or can tell me when it was taken down! I lived there until 1958, went to  school St Georges in Suffolk Rd, Kowloon Tong. Returned to UK and have never been back until this coming Nov.

We used to go Roller Skating at Lai Chi Kok.

Any info would be very much appreciated

Photos that show this place



Looking at the satellite view above, there don't seem to be any low buildings left, so it's almost definitely been re-developed.

Can you let us have the street number, or can you spot the location from the satellite view / map above? If you know which building stands in its place today, the construction date for that new building will give a rough idea of when Cherry Hill Lodge was knocked down.

Regards, David

Hi David, Sorry cant tell from the map. It was up the end of Homantin Street, we used to climb 100 steps to get up to it, to and from school, on the top of a hill. They did say it was an old Mandarins palace(?). It was used for service families, a huge place. It overlooked Kings Park and the resettlement area, at that time. We climbed the steps but you could also get to it by going around Homantin Hill Road. A wonderful place, with very fond memories. Sorry, I wish I could tell you more.

Hi David. Yes like you I've been searching on line to find CHL. If you go on Google earth you can travel up Homantin St and up to where CHL was but I was not able to identify the building that stands on its grounds! I lived at CHL 1951 - 1953 my Dad was based at Tamar. Wonderful memories, that are still fresh in my mind! Regards.

Hi Jim,

We were there from '55 - '58, my father was an Inspector of Welders at the Dockyard.

Me too - just like yesterday!

Lets hope we can find a picture of the place.!!



I pass by Ho Man Tin Street quite often, and I have to say, these days it is filled with non-descript residential buildings, none of which look any younger than 30-40 years old!



Does anything in this view look familiar?

I lived in Homantin Hill Hill Road from the 1972 onwards and do not recall the name Cherry Hill Lodge still being used. Sometime the new buildings inherit the old names. It had probably been redeveloped by that time. However there was a building just below us housing certainly RAF families, about 4 floors high, but looked more like old apartments rather than a mansion. It was in extensive grounds, now totally built over. It faced west and years ago would have looked towards the Kings Park area before further developments in the area blocked the view. There were two paths up the hillside. One started on the side of Homantin Street near the Waterloo Road end. You had to go down an un-signposted alleyway along the backs of apartment blocks, then straight up a large number of rough earth steps to come out at the second hairpin bend on Homantin Hill Road. The other path/steps are at the other end of Homantin Street at the first hairpin bend and go up into a densely wooded area and to the top of Homantin Hill Road next to what was the government's single-person quarters housing mainly young expat police officers at one time. Identifying which path may give further clues to Cherry Lodge's location


The building called The Dahfuldy, occupies the original ground of CHL.

This building was built 1974! Circa this date I assume CHL was demolised?

Jim, glad you were able to track it down. I've corrected the marker's location, and set the demolition date to 1972 - a guess based on the following building opening in 1974.

The 100 steps from C H L were at the far end of Homantin Street, going left you went up Homantin Hill Road on the right were RAF Quarters. C H L was right at the top of the hill. There were about 25 Dockyard /Army Families living there. Behind us was a resettlement area where all the refugees were pouring into at that time. At the front of C H L (which was a huge building), we overlooked the railway line and Kings Park. It was a wonderful old building & as I said, we were told it had been a Mandarins Palace at one time. I just wish in hindsight, that a photo had been taken of the place. I left there in 1958, and am returning this year after 53 years. I will certainly go & have a look at that area altho, I know it is no longer there. Many thanks for the info. 


Hi Di,

I am afraid you won't be able to see much if you go to HMT street today.  That's because there is a line of oldish residential blocks blocking the view.  The railway as well as King's Park are still there, but the refugees had long gone.  In fact, Ho Man Tin itself as a district seem to have moved.   From your description, the hill on which CHL was built had been developed, new roads opened, and the centre of action in HMT will shift away.  They are building a second railway station in Hung Hom on the other side of the hill, but the town planners have the audacity to call it Ho Man Tin Station!

G'day Breskvar,

I will definately go & have a look, but after all these years I probably wont know what is where!! It was a lovely old building inside, all the rooms, and they were huge, were let out to mostly Dockyard people, there was a fantastic wooden staircase that swept down from the very top (dining room), to 1st floor down to ground floor and entrance. The 100 steps that wound from CH L to Homantin Street, was all covered in with trees, had to climb the steps every day to go home from school. The street then was full of refugees who had set up on the sides if the street! What a mess! Those were the good old days.

By your description there is nothing left, well I guess that is progress!! And calling a station on the other side of the hill Homantin Station is stretching it a bit!!

Thanks for the info, very much appreciated.

Looking at this aerial photo from IDJ, it looks like Cherry Hill Lodge was over to the east of Homantin Hill Road, not south where the Dahfuldy stands?

Cherry Hill Lodge-Homantin Hill Road


Many thanks to yourself and everyone else who have given info on the great old building.

A long time ago, but will have a look around that area.

Many thanks.


I wonder if you also remember the Fourseas Hotel on Waterloo Road? We've got some photos of it in the 1950s here.

It's one of several places that appear in Martin Booth's book ("Golden Boy", or "Gweilo", depending on the market). It's about growing up in Hong Kong in the 1950s, so if you haven't read it already it could be a good one to bring for the long flight over.

Regards, David

Hi David, Yes I do remember Four Seasons Hotel on Waterloo Road, my goodness 53 yrs and it is like y'day! I used to go to a hall on Waterloo Road going toward Nathan Road on the right hand side for Judo lessons. Also, I went into a site 'Kowloon in the Early 50's' & a number of videos come up on one page, There is one (6th) I think, and it is called 'Homantin Hill Road 1951 about half way thru the video (after the fair ground rides) it shows a building I am positive is C H Lodge from the side and at the back we had No7 on the gate! It then shows the resettlement area where we used to go to sing Xmas Carols with the Nuns that were there. Standing in the front garden we over looked the railway line, and also watched the Chinese Funeral Processions.  

The book you mention, would it be available here in Melbourne.

Many thanks for the info on the book.

Kind Regards



Thanks for sharing your memories. Today there's a YMCA on the right of Waterloo Road, just before the road bends round to the right to hit the crossroads with Nathan Road. I wonder if that's where your hall was?

I'd forgotten that video - you can watch it here. Does anyone else recognise if it shows C H Lodge?

You should be able to get the book in Melbourne - or worst case from one of the online stores shown here. You can certainly buy it here when you get to Hong Kong.

Regards, David

G'day David,

Yes, thats sounds right, I do believe that is where the old hall was. You know we have a web site for St Georges School that was in Suffolk Rd, I was there when it first opened in 1955, & there are hundreds of names that have joined up. Every on of them states what a wonderful time they had in HK, even being at school!!! I really believe the 50's were the best time to be there. We had a ball!

I will certainly buy the book before I return.

Thanks you so very much.



This photo sequence of the Four Seasons Hotel, Waterloo Rd funeral procession etc is from the 1950s:

What a wonderful set of photos.

Thank you.



Hi David, I did enquire a couple of years ago about Cherry Hill Lodge Homantin

Hill Road. I left there in 1958 and had never been back. However I have been back twice recently and could not believe the changes! I went up Homantin Street and there were the steps we used to go up and down to go to school.

I climbed up the steps, and of course CHL had been demolished and those high flats were in its place. But what memories....I just sat on the steps for half an hour.

I also bought the book Golden Boy, brings back such great memories, but I think he fibbed a little but!! I also went to where I went to school Suffolk Rd, St Georges, and all is gone. I stayed in the Mongkok Area, it was like coming home.

Regards Diane

It seems we were at Cherry Hill lodge at same time. Parents Cynthia and Derek Webb. Me son Philip. Sister Margaret born on hottest day century. Have pics of children. Birthday parties and moon gates on roof.

Gday, we were in C H L from May '55 to May 58. My father, mother sister Janet & myself Diane Rogers.

I went to St Georges School & Janet Gun Club Hill. 

I was 16yrs when we left to return to UK.

It's great to hear from someone after so long about Cherry Hill Lodge a magical place.

i went back in 2011 after nearly 54 years walked up Homantin Street & climbed the steps to the top, but high rise flats are there now. Would be great to hear from you.


Di Rogers


would be great to hear from Webb family about Cherry Hill Lodge. We were there from May 1955 - May 1958.

i went to St George's School my sister Janet Gun Club Hill School. I was 16 when we left, my sister 12

any info would be very much appreciated.


Diane Rogers.


I have just submitted some old photos of our time at Cherry Hill Lodge. 50's Look in the images and photos gallery

Hello Diane,

I have sent pictures of the people at Cherry Hill Lodge. Seems we were there at the same time. Parents and I are in the pictures as well as Mr &Mrs. Lewis who I remember,; We got to know them on the P&O Corfu UK to HK.



The building's location is shown on the 1956 map of Kowloon, labeled Cherry Hill.

The 1964 aerial photo shown above is a bit too far north. Cherry Hill Lodge is just out of sight, off the bottom of the photo.

Sorry for the late post. I tend to agree with you that the Lodge is just out of sight, although it could be that white building centre bottom as I remember the car park was right at the top end of Ho Man Tin Road. Looking over the other side was a large slum on a very bare hill with flights of steps for people to get water. I think they must have been refugees. We were very privilaged to live at Cherry Hill Lodge. At the first bend of Ho Man Tin Road. there are a flight of steps still there that would run through those trees at the bottom of  the photo. My mother was attacked on those steps one evening by someone with a knife, She was ok. She hit him with her handbag which he was trying to steal, but arrived back to Cherry Hill a bit in shock.

 The story was in the paper the next day. I was a child when I came with my parents to HK 1955. We lived in one of the flats at Cherry Hill Lodge. I remember no air conditioning in those days! or on the P&O Corfu coming here from UK. Scuppers in those days to catch the wind!! I have posted photos here from Webb family a few years ago. Been back a few times for a visit. Live in NZ now.