Can't see nickname of poster | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Can't see nickname of poster

The comment does not show

The comment does not show a nickname for the poster in the date/time area.   

re: The post above does not show

Maybe an issue with your browser? The nickname '1314' shows ok here in Firefox and IE.

Regards, David

I'm using Firefox.

I'm using Firefox.


How about if you do a 'view page source', then ctrl-f to find the text 1314 ?

I see the following:

<div class="submitted">
    Submitted by <a href="" title="View user profile.">1314</a> on Sat, 2011-10-22 02:37.  </div>

If you can see the same, it doesn't seem like there's any difference in what the server sends to you and me, which suggests a difference at the browser / PC.

If anyone else reads this, please could you also take a look at this comment, and let me know if you can see the 'submitted by 1314' ok?

Thanks, David

I can see the user name and date/time.

I'm using Firefox ver 7.0.1

Hi there,

Tried to use Chrome (14.0.835.202 m) and the built-in Android browser in my tablet running 2.2.2, as well as the native WebOS 3.0.4 browser, all showed 1314 correctly.

Best Regards,


Hi David,

I can see the nickname of the poster as 1314 and the date and time as well.  Hope that is a help.

Regards, Pauline.


I can see 1314. Am using Firefox 7.0.1 on an iMac running OSX 10.6.8


Thanks for the extra feedback. I'm also using Firefox 7.0.1.

Regards, David