Hashing and Running from Sek Kong
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Submitted by guyshirra on Wed, 2012-01-04 13:28
The Sek Kong Hash House Harriers (www.skh3.com), of which I am Webmaster, is attempting to find evidence of hashing or running by military personnel from Sek Kong Camp/Borneo Lines since it was opened in 1950. Anyone who can do so, or suggest where we might be able to locate such evidence, will be rewarded with a free run and as much Tsing Tao as they can drink afterwards. OnOn! Guy Shirra @ Gunpowder Plod
Running from Sek Kong
Hi Guy,
Are you only looking for evidence of people there running for fun, or also running as part of the soldiers' exercise? ie running because they want to, vs. running because they have to?
Regards, David
Hashing and Running from Sek Kong
To clarify, this would normally be an entirley voluntary, off duty activity, not a punishment!
Kam tin question?
Running from Sek Kong
I asked Fred Evans, who was stationed there 1957-9. He said he only ever ran himself when he'd been ordered to!
Though he does remember that some soldiers were training for the pentathlon, and were "helped by the officers, as the race involved horse-riding". Since the pentathlon also includes cross-country running, they'd also have needed to go running to train for it.
Regards, David
Kam Tin Country Club
I have never heard of the Kam Tin Country Club before unless it was one of those sleazy postwar bars in Kam Tin which all military were banned from visiting and where off duty Gwailo cops were seriously interrogated by patrolling Red Caps! There was, of course, the Kwanti Race Course and the Fanling Hunt further north, the former military and the latter civvie.
Sek Kong Hash
Training and racing are banned on the hash!! OnOn :-)