Which hospital? | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Which hospital?

During 1960, I suffered a fractured skull whilst staying with my parents at the Four Seas hotel in Kowloon.

Whilst I remember nothing about the incident itself, my first awakening memory is being transferred by Army ambulance to Hong Kong Island, presumably after I was stablised in a hospital in Kowloon.

My next recollection is waking up in a hospital.  The memories have been blurred by both the incident and the passage of time, but I do recall a spectacular view over the harbour, similar to the hospital scene in the film 'Love is a many-splendored thing' (I understand that wasn't a real hospital).  I also recall cots containing babies, which makes me wonder if I was in a maternity hospital, although I would have been 7 years old at the time.

Does anyone know which hospital this suggests?


That sounds like the British Military Hospital up on Bowen Road. The building is still there, though it's no longer a hospital.

Regards, David


Just to say thank you for the information.

Your suggestion neatly fits the scenario during that period.

A pity that stunning harbour view has now been lost forever.

Regards, Tim.