1997 Mount Austin Mansions | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

1997 Mount Austin Mansions

1997 Mount Austin Mansions
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Wednesday, January 1, 1997


I was interested to see if they still exist as my late wife and I were the first occupants of No 9 Block B, in late 1953, which was soon after completion of the whole complex.  Had 3 happy years therein whilst serving in Minesweepers (6 months) thence on staff of Commodore, HK until return to UK in 1956.

The old mansions have been demolished with a new development called the "Mount Austin" erected in its place.

I am curious to know what the circular building behind the Mt.Austen Mansion buildings is/was?

Well that is the Peak Galleria Shopping Mall adjacent to the Upper Peak Tram Station, on the site where the carpark, bus terminus and Peak Mansions used to be.

Hi Robert,

You can see a couple more photos of Mount Austin Mansions at this page: http://gwulo.com/node/2360

We originally recorded this building as it was mentioned in Martin Booth's book. It sounds as though you'd have been living there at the same time as the Booth family?

Regards, David