Laboyrie - 24 Mount Cameron Road [????- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Laboyrie - 24 Mount Cameron Road [????- ]

Tiles © Esri
Current condition: 
In use


Residence of the Dutch Consul General

Residence of the Consul General of Holland

Residence of the Consul General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

All of the above


Hong Kong Directory  1962

"Eric Moller - Chairman Moller Group of Companies;
Home address 24 Mount Cameron Road, Hong Kong"

Photos that show this place


I recall seeing pictures of this house on the personal website of a fomer Consul General, but I cannot find that site any longer.

Does anyone know the names of some recent Consul Generals?    

this site shows Eric Moller Sr. mansion in Shanghai.

SHANGHAI - before the flyover was built

By email:

My great aunt June Scott (married to Deputy Police Comm. Walter Scott) lived on Mt. Cameron Rd. ((at #553)) in 1938.

The Home Affairs Dept database says Laboyrie was built in 1945, which is usually their way of saying "built before 1945, when our records begin". So there's a good chance the building that's there today is the same one that the Scotts lived in in 1938.

Regards, David

My Grandfather Noel Croucher once owned 24 Mount Cameron Road .. under the company name of Commonwealth Investments ..Can you tell me any more or are there any more photographs of the house I know it is owned by the  Dutch Consul now with whom he sold it to many years ago and I have been there  .he also owned the house next door no 22 which I used stay in now owned by The Lo Family ... Thank you   Amanda Croucher Buckingham

Hi Amanda,

Good to hear from you. I enjoyed reading the book about your grandfather's life. The fact he came out of the internment camp and found the contents of his safe intact was quite something.

So far, we only have the photos shown here. Can anyone add any more?

If you can add any old Hong Kong photos, we'd be very pleased to see them.

Regards, David

Thank you David ..Amanda

Jennifer has added some photos of how the building looks today:

Regards, David