The Aperture
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Submitted by gw
Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Sunday, December 1, 2013
- The Aperture shows Place Lei Yue Mun - Lyemoon Pass [????- ]
- The Aperture shows Place Lye Mun Reverse Battery, Lye Yue Mun [1877-????]
Re: Position finding station?
Hi there,
The design of this site looked very similar to the FP compound up in Lung Fu Shan. To which direction is the aperture facing please?
Thanks & Best Regards,
Lei Yue Mun Reverse QF Battery
Hi T,
Yes, I agree there are physical similarities, most obviously the corregated ceiling. I note Rob Weir at gives the estimated construction date of Lung Fu Shan PF Cells as 1900, which corresponds to the estimated construction date from 1886-7 to 1894-5 for the Lei Yue Mun Reverse QF Battery, and 1890-2 for the Lei Yue Mun Pass QF Battery (also with corregated ceiling), explained in, "Structures on the South Coast of Lei Yue Mun Channel". I suppose we can take the presence of these very wide corrugations as an indication a military structure was built around 1900.