The three children of Ron Brooks, Deputy Chief Officer of the HK Fire Brigade, regularly attended the horse riding school in the early 1950s. The school was run by Tito Xavier and his wife Mae. Ronnie Brooks himself would usually go horse riding in the neighbouring hills while his children had their horse riding lessons.
Brooks children at Horse Riding School 1953c Photo # 1
Primary tabs

Submitted by Suziepie
Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Thursday, January 1, 1953
- Brooks children at Horse Riding School 1953c Photo # 1 shows Place RIDING SCHOOL - PEAK [????- ]
- Brooks children at Horse Riding School 1953c Photo # 1 shows Place Horse Riding School near Shouson Hill & PG Farm [????-????]
Shouson Hill Riding School
Not sure but given the year the photos may have been taken at the Shouson Hill Riding School.
Brooks Children at Horse Riding School 1953c
Thanks Moddsey for this possibility. Can any one throw more light on this Riding School? Was it near to the Happy Valley Race Course?
I believe the school had a lot to do with the Race Course horses. I saw race horses there and over a period watched a young foal being trained, so the school must have had another purpose. I did not see any other children there when we went in the weekends, apart from the children of a family friend.
Regards, Suziepie