Stone Pillars at Baguio Villas | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Stone Pillars at Baguio Villas

Hi everyone, last weekend I bumped into these piles of stone plates and pillars. They are located harmonously in one of the backyards of Baguio Villas...

Stone pillars, Baguio Villas








I am quite sure I have seen somewhere on Internet these pillars, but I couldn't recall anymore. Ladies and gentlemen would you throw me some light?

Many thanks :)



Hi there,

If you put Baguio Villas into the search box of this site and click search, you should be able to find the older postings as well as photos.

Thanks & Best Regards,


Hi Alex,

Here's the page Thomas mentions:

You'll see it's still a mystery where they came from.

Regards, David