This photograph was taken shortly after the previous one but from the Western side of Stonecutters Island and possibly even in Sulphur Channel. There were many squatters' huts in that area - great sea views but not an ideal place to have to live.
Squatters' huts
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Submitted by Andrew Suddaby
Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Thursday, July 30, 1981
- Squatters' huts shows Place Chee Sing Kok Social Centre [????- ]
Sulphur Channel
You were entering Sulphur Channel. Victoria Peak is in the distance with the north-west slopes of Mount Davis rising on the right side of the photo.
Thanks for sharing this superb set of photos.
I am very grateful to
I am very grateful to everyone who has a current or at least a more up to date knowledge about Hong Kong. My memory of all the 1958 photographs is pretty sound but in 1981 and 1987 (to follow eventually) things are less definite. Perhaps having more funds and being able to take many more photographs I didn't pay too much attention to details. Most of the images are just numbered. - a bit of a nuisance! Please continue to scrutinise my photographs and put me straight whenever necessary. I'm really pleased that my pictures are now being seen and hopefully enjoyed by so many people.
Best wishes