Ying Wa Girls School [????-2016] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Ying Wa Girls School [????-2016]

Tiles © Esri
Current condition: 
Demolished / No longer exists
Date Place demolished: 
c.2016-03-16 (Month, Day are approximate)

This has just been demolished.

Photos that show this place



I live close by and the school moved out of their Robinson Road premises over 2 years ago. Work seems to have gone very slowly.


Old school had two blocks. Original 1900 block replaced in 1953 - 1927 Block was replaced in 1967 http://www.ywgs.edu.hk/redevelopment/our_campus.html

This is mentioned in the PWD Annual Report for 1928, which notes "The Ying Wa Girls’ School on I.L. 590, Bonham Road" was completed that year. 

I guess the building was already being used by the school in 1927, which would explain the 1927/8 difference.

This morning, 25th April 2019, I noticed that the students of Ying Wa Girls School were back in residence in their completely redeveloped Robinson Road site.