my grandmothers's caption: " Duvall Mayor? Ken Morris, Cullinan - I don't know if there should be a comma after Ken (and that he is my gradfather Ken Staple) or whether, she meant Ken, Morris, Cullinan - again, any information of people to give this context wd be appreciated - no idea of date except that if Ken is my grandfather, pre 1931
Victoria Hospital Tennis Party
Primary tabs

Submitted by debcoxon
- Victoria Hospital Tennis Party shows Place Tennis court below Barker Road [c.1923- ]
Victoria Flats Tennis Court
Perhaps the photo was taken at the tennis courts below Victoria Flats as seen here
I agree with Moddsey. In the
I agree with Moddsey. In the 1920s/30s the Victoria Flats were still the Victoria Hospital, which would match the title.
Also there are five people in the photo, so possibly one name per person? Though they don't seem to match up with men / women's names.
Suggest you visit the Civil Establishments of Hong Kong for 1931 or earlier in HKGRO (Hong Kong Government Records Online) for the surnames of individuals in the photo above as well as for the wedding photo sent in.
Misses A. M. Cullinan and C. Duvall were Nursing Sisters in the Medical Department and were appointed in 1925 and 1928 respectively.
Miss M. J. Warbrick was appointed as Nursing Sister in 1925 and later as Mrs M. J. Staple re-appointed on 1 June 1928.
Hope this helps.
thank you - everything helps and will follow up your suggestions - I'm intrigued that you can tell me when these people were appointed. Is there information in records as to who worked where in medical services. So far I have not found a way in ... it would help greatly with the story I'm trying to put together ...
Having found the individual in the Civil Establishment list, you may also wish to refer to the respective government department annual report which may contain information as to when the officers were first appointed.
thanks again - I must sound rather thick but I'm actually learning how to research public records at same time as trying to do the research! it's all changed from my cuttings and ref book library days! I made good progress last night following your suggestion, very grateful.
Tennis party
The man sitting on the right looks to be the same person identified as Ken in this photo:
So I guess the caption for the tennis photo means:
tennis party
thanks David - I thought it looked like Ken but good you think the same as I wondered if I was reading him into the picture. Were Victoria Hospital and 'The Peak' hospital one and the same or separate? They certainly liked their tennis - I can never watch Wimbledon without remembering how heated Grandma used to get - it was a family joke that she just about swung from the chandeliers!
Hospitals at The Peak
The "Peak Hospital" was yet another hospital. There were four different hospitals at the Peak in the 1920s & 30s. Here's a map that shows where they were: