1930s Kowloon Tong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

1930s Kowloon Tong

1930s Kowloon Tong
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Tuesday, January 1, 1935


Does anyone have any better idea as to where this is in Kowloon Tong? Judging by the road turning off to the right (possibly Devon Rd?) about halfway up the street, this seems to be one of the few possibilities. I am assuming the road in the immediate foreground is Waterloo Rd.

Hi Liz, yes, I think Somerset is a reasonable assumption given the proximity of the hills, the possible junction with Devon Rd and the fact that there is a house at the far end...there's nowhere else on the estate that has space for a house in that position due to the proximity of the railtrack.

Also the positions and number of the houses on the right hand side seem to match the 1957 layout of Somerset Rd.

obviously I can't  comment on location but fascinating to see how the estate looked then and the little bit of the house that can be seen nearest left evokes those in my pictures - also the lawn with the little bushes dotted up the side (as in the Suffolk Road house pic of my mum with tennis racquet)   

Thought I'll stick this photo in this thread. Not sure of the year and exact location.

1950s Kowloon Tong
1950s Kowloon Tong, by Moddsey


Initially made a connection between that and the house with scaffolding next to it that we think might be on Dorset Cres, but this road is clearly not curving like Dorset. Will think some more on where it could be. Nice clear photo, anyway.