C.C.I.L No 1 Market Stone 3 [????- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

C.C.I.L No 1 Market Stone 3 [????- ]

Tiles © Esri
Current condition: 
DSCF2584a.JPG, by tngan

The word Cemetery could be seen while I was on-site.  It's not so clear in the photo though.   The two stones along Sai Wan Road didn't seeem to have 'Cemetery' engrated onto them.



I can see the "Cemetery" on the stone after you pointed it out.

If you give the same tag to all the stone, you can see them on the map:


I see the southern boundary of the cemetery was also part of the boundary betwen the Chinese and European areas. Doesn't look as though there are any stones with both boundaries marked on them though. [Update: Just saw your next photo with the two stones side by side!]

Regards, David

Hi David,

I did not walk around the cemetery boundary on Sunday as the cemetery is big.  I also did not walk along the three Round Table Villages as I do not want to spook the villagers on a peaceful Sunday morning.  I believe the three Round Table Villages stand on land that used to be part of the cemetery.