National City Bank of New York [1931-????] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

National City Bank of New York [1931-????]

Current condition: 
Demolished / No longer exists
Date Place completed: 

Some background to this place here. Also see comments below.

Photos that show this place


Hi there,

I remember back in the 1980's the location is one City Bank or Citicorp Tower.  I could not recall it's current name.  Gotta take a look the next time I am in the area since we have another Citicorp Centre at Garden Road these days.

Best Regards,


Moddsey wrote: The National City Bank of New York, forerunner to Citi Bank stood on Queen's Rd Central between Ice House and Duddell Streets. Battery Path can be seen in the background.

T & Moddsey,

Please can I check which side of Queen's Rd you mean? I put the marker on the south side, on the block that stands between Ice House & Duddell Streets. But just looking at map 3-4 in Mapping Hong Kong, I can see 'International Banking Corp' on the north side, on the north-east corner of the Ice House St / Queen's Rd crossroads.

That map is dated 1911, so I'm not sure if they'd moved by Forman's time.

Thanks, MrB

Hi Mr B,

The south side as I was mentioning about what was there in the 1980's.  I also have an impression that the whole block between Ice House & Duddell Streets had been rebuilt in the late 1990's or early 2000's.   At least the building housing the Portuguese Club Lusitano had definitely been rebuilt (The's the one behind the then Citibank/Citicorp Centre of the 1980's).

Best Regards,


The south side of QRC is confirmed. Photo of QRC looking west from Ice House St. The pillars of the bank can be seen on the left.

1950s Queen's Road Central and Ice House Street Junction

Thanks Gents. I found a date for the move - here's a clipping from Mon 20th July 1931, which described the opening of the new building on the previous Saturday, ie the 18th:

National City Bank new building

That 1911 map shows the previous building on this site was the Grand Hotel.

The building which formerly stood on the present site of the National City bank of New York once housed the old Oriental Bank, until its failure.


Source: Old Hong Kong by Colonial Vol 1