The only thing I can tell you about this photo is that my Grandfather Frederick C Coleman is standing 6th from the left. I imagine that is is a Co group photo. F.C was the forman electrician for Hong Kong and Whampoa Dock Co Ltd. Photo taken sometime between 1922 & 1928. Happy for any help that may be given.
Hong Kong engineers

Submitted by Susamartin51
- Hong Kong engineers shows Person Frederick Charles COLEMAN [????-????]
Funeral of F.C Coleman
In the newspaper report about my grandfathers funeral it states that it will pass the monument. What, please is the momument? Sorry to keep asking all thes questions.
There were a couple of well
There were a couple of well-known monuments along the road that funeral processions took to the protestant cemetery in Happy Valley, the Kuhlan monument and the HMS Vestal monument, so it was likely one of those.
HMS Vestal monument
Henry Ching thinks it was most likely the HMS Vestal monument. He remembers that area in the 1940s and 50s, and writes:
Funerals usually started near Tin Lok Lane because, I think, of the concentration of coffin shops and grave stone manufacturers in that vicinity. The time of passing the H.M.S.Vestal Monument was usually given so that mourners could wait there and join the procession as it passed.
Re: HMS Vestal Monument
Concurred. That is my impression as well. On one of the photos of the Vestal, 'The Monument' is indicated. See here
Thanks for that information. I will include it in my grandfathers story.
Arrival in Hong Kong
I am trying to establish when Frederick Charles Coleman arrived in HK and when he started working for the Whampoa Dock Company. Unfortunately to date I have had no luck. Can you help please. Thank you. Susan in Gran Canaria.
Quick Glance
At a quick glance, F. C. Coleman's name first appears in the jury list for 1911 as an electrician for Kowloon Docks. So his arrival would have been before that. He left Hong Kong to serve in WW1 and subsequently returned.
quick glance
Thank you for that. I didnt know how to look at the juty list. I will keep digging and see if I can find his army number. Another avenue to look at!
Quick reply
Is there any way I can access the duty lists? Thanks.
Search for HKGRO on Gwulo
for the jury lists.
Lists of Jurors
Here's a list of the pages that mention FC Coleman (and a few that mention people named Coleman, but you'll quickly see which is which):
Frederick Charles Coleman
Hello Susamartin51. My names is Jasper, and I work for the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport.
I found this website whilst researching the history of CILT, and if it is the same F.C. Coleman (sometime editor of Modern Transport) then your grandfather is considered one of the primary forces behind the founding of our Institute and we would like to honour him at our upcoming Centenary celebrations, later this year.
To that end, and if we are talking about the same man, we are trying to acquire an image of him, preferably a larger photograph that we can digitise.
If you can in anyway help, I would be very appreciative. Should you be interested I can also provide a little information on the work of your grandfather around 1919.
You can reach me at
Thanks, Jasper.