The Belvedere | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

The Belvedere

The Belvedere


I had a memorable stay here in the summer of 1992 when it was occupied by friends Sue & Tim Brennand. He was Head of Shell. The house had a beautiful garden with a croquet lawn. I loved Hong Kong so much that I returned 3 years later having qualified as a Registered Midwife to work at The Matilda Hospital!

Hi there

I have attached a photo from a family photo album of my great great grandfathers house which was called Belvedere House.  I was wondering if the property still exists and/or if it has been pulled down what the current address of it would be.  He was Chief Justice in Hong Kong in 1902 - 1904.

I am visiting Hong Kong later this week and would like to take a walk up the Peak to find out where his house was.

Any information gratefully received.


Hi Clive,

I see GW has already answered your question about the old Belvedere house.

Please could you let us know your great grandfather's name?

Regards, David

Loved seeing this picture. I lived there from 1978-1983 when my father (Sam Osmond) was working for Shell - and loved it.  Sensational views of the Harbour and an absolute privilege to grow up there. 


Unfortunately, Shell sold the house in the 1990s for an astronomical amount and the land has been redeveloped into an estate of small but very highly priced houses!  Still under the same name I believe.  


Hello everyone, thanks for your responses.  I tried to make the trip up in a taxi back in March when i was over but after 40mins of solid traffic up to "the Peak" we gave up on our mission.  However for those interested, i will upload some details from my GGGFathers auto-biography, called "Reminiscences of a Colonial Judge"!!!  

His name was Sir W. Meigh Goodman - i have a copy of his autobiography and found out he built the original house, so i'll dig out some info on what he says about it....
