19th century Hong Kong
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Submitted by Brandon Chang on Sat, 2018-01-06 19:47
Hi everyone!
I am currently building a Minecraft version of 1860s hong kong but I lack photographs so I don't know what some buildings look like. Please post any photo you know or have of Hong Kong in the 1860s with the approximate location.
Thank you all!
Here are the 1860s photos we
Here are the 1860s photos we have: https://gwulo.com/image?field_gallery_tid=9622&items_per_page=All
Is there any way to see some screenshots of the buildings you've been re-creating in Minecraft?
Regards, David
Hi David,
Hi David,
Thanks a lot! These photos are very valuable to me, now I can construct a more historically accurate Hong Kong. Yep, I can screenshot the buildings I have so far but none of them are completed. I'll post them here by the end of this week. I've been working with Chris Whitehouse who helps me identify the colors of the buildings. Meanwhile, I constructed another building in another world to test my ability. It's the former French mission building. The facade is complete, working on the interior. I've already posted the photos in the 1860s gallery.
Thanks Brandon, I look forward to seeing the finished model.
Here's another resource: https://gwulo.com/places-by-years-completed?field_date_completed_value%5...
It shows buildings we have a page for on Gwulo, that were built between 1840 and 1869. You can check the pages to see if there are later photos, eg 1870s or 1880s, that can still show what the buildings looked like.
Regards, David
Thank you
Thanks so much David!
Brandon's Minecraft
This will be marvellous.
This will be marvellous.
Thank you
Thank you aneelisee, I've begun building the Hong Kong hotel building already, but am temporarily putting it on hold because I discovered a paint mod, which allows me to paint more accurate colours.