Cedric James JULYAN (aka Sonny, Jim) [1923-1959] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Cedric James JULYAN (aka Sonny, Jim) [1923-1959]

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Cedric James
Alias / nickname: 
Sonny, Jim
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Birthplace (town, state): 
Hong Kong Island
Birthplace (country): 
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c.1959-05-01 (Month, Day are approximate)

I am researching what happened to my grandfather during WWII, before he came to the UK and married my grandmother Stella Abbott (in July 1950).

Cedric James Julyan (1950)
Cedric James Julyan (1950), by Louise Researching Grandad

His parents were Peter James Julyan (a civil servant in the Public Works department, died in 1936, HK) and Maria Francisca Franco (aka Annie, died in 1967, HK). He was born at the Hong Kong Government Civil Hospital (Hollywood Road, Hong Kong Island) and the family residence was at 15 Robinson Road. He attended St Joseph's College and passed the HK school certificate examination in 1939.

Siblings that I know of:

- Queenie (b. 1907, HK) married Alberto Tavares. They lived in Macau from 1942-6, returning to Hong Kong after the war, and later emigrated to the USA in 1960 along with their children. I am in contact with her son Michael.

- Patrick T.F. Julyan (who died before 1936)

- Joyce (b. ?) married Arthur Albert Elms (b. 1915), who fought in the RASC and was interned by the Japanese in Malaya (according to UK National Archive online records, tbc) during WWII. They had a daughter Sheila born just before the war. The family survived and emigrated to the UK after the war. Arthur may have died in Southampton in 1975 (tbc). Joyce may still be alive (there are several people of that name in UK directory). As for Sheila Elms, she may have married which makes the search difficult.

The family story is that Cedric, Joyce and Sheila were interned during the war. I have not found them on lists of Stanley Camp internees. One of Maria's grandchildren believes that she was at Rosary Hill during the war. It's possibly that the other family members were also there. My grandfather told stories about working in the camp's kitchen and fearing for his life as he stole extra milk and food for his sister Joyce's baby.

Questions I am trying to answer at the moment:

- Are there any school photos from St Joseph's which he may be in?

- Are there any lists of those interned at Rosary Hill or any other places where British citizens were interned that I could check?

I would appreciate any suggestions as to how to find out more about Cedric's life during the war. Many thanks!


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Hi Louise,

I found an obituary for his father, see: http://gwulo.com/node/36158

It notes he died at "his residence at No. 37, Robinson Road", which matches the 1960 later address you have.

It also notes there was another son, "the late Mr. P. T. F. Julyan, was formerly on the editorial staff of the "China Mail.""

There are some more ideas of places to look at http://gwulo.com/node/9374

Regards, David

Hi David,

Thank you so much for this! We will be able to visit his grave with this information. I knew about the ISO and his emplyoment at the naval yard is mentioned in a card from the Carl Smith Collection, which I will investigate further.

The big surprise is that I had never heard of there being any sons/brothers! The obituary refers to a late P.T.F Julyan as well as to a Peter (son) among the chief mourners, so there must be two sons. And yet I haven't found any Julyans on the jurors lists I've checked so far (1921 and 1941) - perhaps they were dispensed due to their father being a senior clerk?

Thank you for the wealth of information brought together on this site, and for your interest.

Best wishes,


Great, glad it helped. Please keep us updated as you learn more.

Regards, David

Hi Louise

My great grandmother was Maria C Franco who was the younger sister of your great grandmother Maria F Franco.

My father still keeps in touch with Sheila Elms (his cousin).   As I understand it, my grandfather (who died before I was born) was also very close to Patrick Julyan.  

I have done some fairly detailed research into the history of the Franco, Julyan and Elms families and would be happy to share this with you.  I also have a photo of the grave of Peter Julyan in St Michael catholic cemetery in Happy Valley.  Please drop me an email at adrian_elms@hotmail.com if you would like further information.

Best wishes
