Kenneth Sinclair MORRISON [1886-1943] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Kenneth Sinclair MORRISON [1886-1943]

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Kenneth Sinclair
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Birthplace (town, state): 
Chorlton on Medlock, Lancashire
Birthplace (country): 
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Cause of death: 
Coronary thrombosis (heart attack)


He was the son of John Morrison born Urray Rosshire Scotland and Elizabeth Martin born Chorlton on Medlock. He was born 1886 Chorlton on Medlock Lancashire baptised 3 November 1886 St Peter's Presbyterian Church Manchester

He married 18 March 1914 St. John's Cathedral Hong Kong to Phyllis Muriel More daughter of Andrew Charles More (d 1909 and buried in Hong Kong) and Martha Kate More nee Reeves who died in 1938 at the Memorial Hospital and was buried in Hong Kong

Children of Kenneth Morrison and Phyllis Muriel were Audrey Katharine Morrison born abt 1915  who died 26 November 1917 before her second birthday, Ailsa Muriel Morrison born  abt 1917 Phyllis Evelyn Morrison born abt 1918 Kenneth Colin More Morrison born abt 1919.

Andrew Charles More (born 1859 Limehouse London) was the son of Robert More master mariner and merchant in Hong Kong (born 1827 Lochwinnoch Ross and Cromarty  - died 1880 and buried in Hong Kong)

Kenneth Sinclair Morrison died at Stanley Camp 15 February 1943 of coronary thrombosis

Thanks Ann, I've updated his DoB. All the notes we have (see "What links here" above) record his death was in February, so I've left that date unchanged.

Philip Cracknell's excellent write-up about the Stanley Military Cemetery, where Mr Morrison is buried, has more information about the man:

Morrison, Kenneth Sinclair (3/10/1886 – 15/2/1943)

He was a Director of HSBC. He was billeted in Block 15 Room 11. He died aged fifty-six of coronary thrombosis. "On Monday morning K.S. Morrison died suddenly when on his way to play the chanter at the Leprosarium.” (Source: George Gerard’s Diary). He was a former employee of Reiss, Bradley & Co as well as being a Director of HSBC. He was married to Phyllis Muriel Morrison and had two daughters (Alisa and Phyllis) and a son (Kenneth). Dr Watt, who he was teaching to play, found him dead near his bagpipes on the hillside near the Leprosarium and Tweed Bay Hospital. He was the Chieftain of the St Andrew’s Society.

Many many  thanks. I have edited my orignal post and am most grateful to Philip Cracknell. Kenneth took his Presbyterianism seriously and only one of his children was christened at St John's Cathedral 23 Ocober 1917. She was Ailsa Muriel Morrison. On the same day Audrey Katherine Morrison was also christened and I am wondering if these girls were twins. I can find no more about her. She is not mentioned in any passenger lists with the family.

Kenneth had a brother John Douglas Morrison born 23 June 1889 in Chorlton on Medlock Lancashire who also travelled to and from the Far East and is rumoured to have died in Hong Kong. Their father John Morrison a tailor was a native of Urray in Ross and Cromarty Scotland and died in 1902 when both Kenneth and John were quite young.

Again thanks for enlarging my knowledge of the family. I am wondering where might Kenneth have married? Not in St. John's Cathedral which I have checked and not in the UK.

The first Jurors List that mentions him is the 1909 list, suggesting he first arrived in Hong Kong around that time. He's here every year afterwards til 1924, then isn't in the 1925 list which is the latest one we've transcribed.

Any idea when he got married? Given the births in 1917 / 18 / 19, it was probably around 1915/16. He could have married in Hong Kong, or when on leave to the UK.

The Union Church on Kennedy Road would have been a likely choice, though that doesn't fit with his children getting christened at St John's.

Only two of his four children were baptised at St. John's on the same day 23 October 1917. They were Ailsa Muriel Morrison and Audrey Katharine Morrison who died before her second birthday.

I cannot find him on the first list of names on the link but Andrew Charles More is mentioned as Charles Andrew. He was the son of Robert More. A second look shows him on the second list of names on that link. Andrew Charles More is mentioned in the first list of names on the link. Are both lists 1909?

Yes, all the names at are from the 1909 list. The first section, with "s" in the "type" column were special jurors. The second section lists the common jurors.

Many thanks for explaining.