Pillbox 032, Tung Ah Pui Tsuen [1939- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Pillbox 032, Tung Ah Pui Tsuen [1939- ]

Current condition: 
Date Place completed: 

Year completed is: Approximate
Condition at last visit: Intact
Date of last visit: Jun-1996
Ref: ROB-00633

Photos that show this place



Pillbox 32 and its Lyon Light are located at the southern end of Tung Ah Pui Village, i.e. the next village north along the coast from Ngan Hang Village. May I suggest that the title be amended and the "place" marker moved. Thanks. 

Noted, I'll check my notes.

As at July 2018 Both the pillbox and searchlight were filled with old junk so could not go inside with a wasing line strewn between the 2!