Rev Frank Short is mentioned in the post about Helen Walker Wylie's wedding in 1936 - and here he is in 1931 (standing in the back row) with the Committee of Kowloon Union Church. I do have names for most of those pictured, and if anyone is curious, will happily post them.
Rev Frank Short
Primary tabs

Submitted by janect
Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Thursday, January 1, 1931
- Rev Frank Short shows Person Frank SHORT [c.1896-????]
- Rev Frank Short shows Place Kowloon Union Church [1931- ]
Rev Frank Short
re: Rev Frank Short
Hi Jane,
They're back on their feet again! Thanks for posting, and yes please, I'm interested to see the other names too.
Any idea if that's the Kowloon Union Church in the background?
Regards, David
PS Now you've uploaded the photo you can insert it into other posts / comments, see:
Name of Reverend in front row?
Do you have the name of the gentleman in the dog collar in the front row? A long shot, but I'm trying to find information on the Rev John Turnbull Cook, who married (and divorced) one of my Hong Kong cousins. The marriage would have been about 1933.
Rev Frank Short
Hi Janect,
I am very interested to know the name of the people in the picture. Grateful if we can contact at
Thanks a lot!
Hi Janect,
Hi Janect,
I am very interested to know the name of the missionaries in the picture too.
My email address is
Thanks a lot!
Putting names to faces
Yes, please do post the names of the people in your photo. Maybe David can help with his red overlay: 1a, 1b, 1c etc.
Rev Frank Short - Putting names to faces
Thank you, everyone, for your messages asking for names to be put to the faces in this picture. I’m deeply embarrassed to realise how long it is since I posted the photograph - my only excuse is that, in the meantime, I’ve completed a 2-year college course; been involved in some heavy-duty voluntary work related to my former profession, and undertaken two house moves (my mother’s, and my own).... however the family photos etc are now with me, and accessible, so thank you for your patience, and get your paper and pencils ready!
My late aunt identified the people in the picture - my apologies if she’s got any of the names wrong.
Back row: A H Gardner, Rev Frank Short (China Inland Mission), J J Cornelius, D Gow, Mrs D Harvey, Robert Taylor [my grandfather] J Provan, John Revie, Mr Ingram
Front Row: Mrs Forsyth, Mrs Groundwater, George Leib, Rev Horace Johnston, Mrs Johnston, Mr Warren (Canada), Mrs A Lang*, Mrs Nelson
* I can’t quite make out my aunt’s writing here - I think it’s ‘Lang’ though it might possibly be ‘Long’
Hope this helps!
Thank you!
Many thanks, Jane!
Kowloon Union Church
Dear Jane
Thank you so much for sharing this photo and these names with us here.
My name is Maggie Mathieson and I am currently serving as one of the pastors here at Kowloon Union Church.
The Church has recently been declared a monument and we are trying to collect as much information about her story as possible. If you would have any other photgraphs in your collection and would not mind sharing I would love to hear from you.
My contacts are or
Thank you once again for sharing in here and looking forward ot hearing from you.
Revd. Maggie Mathieson
Kowloon Union Church
Thank you for the picture.
Image Revd. Frank Short
Sorry, to take so long to post in the group - Yes this photo was taken on the property of Kowloon Union Church. The photograph was taken in what was a small garden /play area between the Church Hall and the Manse Building. The low roofed block you can view behind the people we believe was the Servants Quarters and the wet kitchen area.