Ma Tau Wei Temple Gate [c.1928- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Ma Tau Wei Temple Gate [c.1928- ]

Current condition: 
In use
Date Place completed: 
c.1928-01-01 (Year, Month, Day are approximate)

The Ancient Temple of Shang-ti (Shang-ti Ku-miao) was situated on the western side of the present Lomond Road, behind the St. Theresa Hospital . The original temple was near the former Ma-tau-wei Village directly east of the present site. When the villagers were evacuated by the government and the whole village was levelled to construct new roads and buildings in 1927-28, the temple was destroyed and a new temple was constructed at the present site. Later on, the new temple was also demolished but the stone gate was preserved, the name of the temple remaining. 

Source: The Travelling Palace of Southern Sung in Kowloon Jen Yu Wen.  RASHK Vol  (1967) p. 32

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